This extraordinary ring features a 6.013-carat Mahenge spinel, renowned for its captivating red hue and exceptional clarity. Originating from the prized Mahenge mines, only a select few spinels of this quality and color are unearthed each year, making this piece an incredibly rare and coveted treasure. The value of spinels has surged dramatically in recent years, further elevating the desirability of this stunning gemstone.
Surrounding the vibrant center stone is a halo of natural round and oval diamonds, expertly set to enhance the spinel’s brilliance and fiery color. The design is timeless, offering a perfect balance of classic elegance and modern luxury set in 18k white gold. Crafted with the utmost attention to detail, this ring is a true testament to fine jewelry craftsmanship and is sure to be cherished for generations to come.
This Mahenge spinel ring is not just a piece of jewellery—it’s an investment in beauty and rarity.
Red Spinel - 6.013 cts
Diamonds - 1.57 cts
18k White Gold
Ring Size - 6.5 US